Thursday, September 22, 2011

Taking Inventory

Currently taking inventor of all of our items, sifting through the plushie goodness!

Life got in the way of our shops relaunch, but now I have time to focus on the shop and I'm in full swing of getting our items back up.

And if you look closely you'll see some new stuff too!

Thursday, July 14, 2011


These guy know how to go out with a bang!

They are just busting with devious intent.

Weather its just one of them or the whole group, they are exploding with cuteness!
Even though they are made of felt and stuffed with fluff, I wouldn't put it past them to try something. ;)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

We're under attack!!

We have new monsters! AHHH! ::runs away screaming with arms wagging over head::

 These apparitions will be appearing on our Etsy shop in the near future.
They are a continuation of our Monstrously Cute series.

What is not to love about these adorable drooly guys?

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Coming soon

A new blog to accompany the relaunch of our etsy store and return to crafty goodness...
more to come soon.....